How to contact Change.Org Support

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Unsubscribe or Update email Notification Settings

How do I stop receiving emails from hates inbox clutter as much as you do. You can easily choose when you get an email from us by visiting Unsubscribe after logging into your account. You can also manage your email settings, or unsubscribe, from the links at the bottom of the latest received email. Please see the below screenshot:

User-added image

If you click the “Unsubscribe” link or click “See privacy settings” button in your account settings, you will be redirected to the Privacy and data protection page where you can update your email preferences:

User-added image

  • To unsubscribe from a specific mailing list, un-check the box of each type email you would like to be removed from and click “Save”
  • To unsubscribe from all emails, check the box for the option “I don’t want to receive any emails“,  making sure no other box is checked, and click “Save”

Please note that unsubscribing from emails will not impact Transactional emails, which include ‘Petition Signature’, ‘Petition Creation’, ‘Monthly Subscription’ and ‘Petition Promotion’ confirmation emails. Also, all changes to email preferences can take up to 48 hours to take effect. We send Transactional email notifications to confirm when these actions have been taken on our site.

If you have updated your email preference settings to unsubscribe from all emails, and are continuing to receive non-Transactional emails, please double check the email address in the received message’s ‘To’ field to make sure you don’t have multiple accounts.

  • If you would like to opt back into emails from, you can do so via the Privacy and data protection page, located in your account settings, by selecting the type if emails you want to receive and clicking “Save”

Remove signature from petition

When a petition is signed, our system automatically emails a confirmation to the email address associated with that account. This email will generally have a subject line that begins “You have a message about…”.

At the bottom of the email, you will see the option “Didn’t sign this petition? Remove your signature”.  To remove your signature, click on the Remove your signature link. 

If you happen to receive a permission error, try logging into your account and clicking on the signature removal link again.

Please note that the link in this email is only valid for 30 days.

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If you sign more than one petition in a single session, the signature confirmation email will contain a list with those petitions and, at the bottom of the email, the links to remove your support from each of them.

To remove your signature from an specific petition, you will need to click on the link of the petition title you wish to withdraw your support from.

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If you no longer have this email or it was sent over 30 days ago: Please contact using the “Contact Support” button and our Help Center team will assist. Please include the link to the petition(s) you would like us to resend the signature confirmation for.

How to delete your petition users are able to close their petitions, but not permanently delete them.

If you’d like your petition to be permanently removed from our platform, you must follow the instructions below:

  1. Post a petition update to inform your supporters of your decision to delete the petition — this transparency is important and necessary. We recommend that you use this to let your supporters know why you’ve decided to delete your petition.
  2. Once you have sent the update, contact our team at [email protected] from the email address that you started the petition with, and make sure to include:
    1. The URL of the petition,
    2. The URL of the petition update, with which you have informed your supporters.
  3. Our team will get back to you to confirm the deletion process is underway.

Please note that this will permanently remove the petition from our platform, but it may still be indexed by search engines.

After getting confirmation that your petition has been deleted,

  • you can either wait for search engines to re-index the website (schedule unknown), or
  • you can request that the specific URL be re-indexed sooner.

Please note that this is outside of’s control and that you have to interact directly with each individual search engine; here are two popular search engines:

Bing (Content Removal: Report Broken Links or Outdated Cache Pages):

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